Tina Saini

My journey began with working with my husband's cleaning firm, keeping track of employees' hours and payroll, which interested me in getting a degree in Accounting from the well-known SAIT. I followed my passion for numbers through a successful tenure at Big Four accounting firms like WestJet, United Floors, and Wolseley Mechanicals. My quick learning and keen eye for detail raised me through the ranks from an entry-level account clerk to a respected Bookkeeper before I boldly moved to establish my own accounting firm.

Under my guidance, High Power Solutions has evolved into a comprehensive accounting firm renowned for its unwavering commitment to integrity, client satisfaction, and innovative financial solutions. My entrepreneurial drive and financial acumen continue to steer the company towards growth and success. My mission is clear: to empower individuals and businesses by providing them with top-tier financial advice and services.

Our Values

Professionalism: We are committed to maintaining a high degree of professionalism in our work. We strive for excellence and continuously improve our skills and knowledge.

Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions. Our dealings are honest ethical and transparent. 

Zero Excuses & Full Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and deliver on our commitments. We acknowledge and learn from our mistakes.

Client focus: We put our clients at the heart of everything we do. We listen to their needs, provide tailored solutions and aim to exceed their expectations.

Innovation: We embrace change and continuously seek innovative solutions to serve our clients better and improve our operations.

Mutual Respect for Opinions/People: We treat everyone with courtesy, fairness, and dignity. We value diversity and foster an inclusive environment.

Mission Statement

Empowering business owners to seize financial liberty in every aspect of their life! We're crafting innovative business systems designed to streamline operations and pave the path to success. Ready to embark on this exciting journey towards financial independence with us?"

Vision Statement

"To be the trusted leader in the realm of accounting and finance, providing unparalleled service that empowers our clients to navigate their financial landscapes with confidence and clarity. We envision a future where our innovative solutions, grounded in integrity and expertise, set the industry standard and help businesses around the world thrive."